How Would Getting More Appointments So Your Business is Always Fully Booked Look for You?

Because...Deciding to Adopt a New Service Costing Money can be Intimidating. But it Shouldn't Be when Your New Supplier/Provider Outlines Exactly What Will Happen.

  1. Experience your demo/trial to see how the system works.

  2. Your demo/trial will be launched and you will receive SMS messages as if you are one of your own clients, asking if you would like to book an appointment in the next 7-day period with XYZ Business (there is no payment required by you nor credit card information taken prior to the demo).

  3. Decide you want to ‘go live’ to receive an agreed number of appointments in the next 7 days. We then talk with you about the average sale value of a customer and tell you the cost of obtaining more appointments in the next week.

  4. OR decide this will not work for you after experiencing our trial – simply advise us this is the case, and that is the end of the process for you.

  5. We explain how to regularly get appointments works, then mutually agree your monthly price – always guaranteeing your revenue and profit return far exceeds any fees you pay.

  6. We map out your schedule of the mutually agreed target number of appointments each month.

  7. You decide the best way (in consultation with us) to source your new appointments over the long term.

  8. Decide your appointment type wanted - for example 'Quotes' for Home Contractors or 'Live Appointments' for professional or health services to deliver your service to new clients.

  9. Review Monthly your quota of new contacts you requested is being received.

  10. It is your responsibility to convert those appointments to get new customers OR create booked times to provide your actual service (depending on whether you request appointments to conduct quotes, or to actually provide your service.)


First, schedule a demo. This let's you see how the platform works and make sure that it really is what you're looking for.

On this demo, we'll give you a guided tour and even show you which campaigns and funnels you should use to get more appointments.

There's no hard selling and we promise we won't call you on the phone and bother you. Think of it more like a free consultation combined with some fun "show and tell" as opposed to a canned sales pitch.

THEN CHOOSE A PLAN (if you need one)

You have a lot of features available to you. How do you know if you need them all? You might not. That's why it makes sense to join a demo session so you can see what you'll use...and avoid paying for features you don't need.


We know exactly what it's like to feel overwhelmed and frustrated with multiple priorities. It's so easy to lose focus and spend time on tasks which don't produce revenue or advance the business.

So when your business needs extra assistance beyond receiving regular appointments, some owners request us to conduct their marketing, assist with other training or do a complete business inspection.


So you as business owner focus on growing your business, maintaining excellence in your team and serving customers. If you do request additional services, we explain the process we follow, before you sign-up.

Which is why after over 12 years running an appointment-reliant business, I have developed a simple system to get consistent appointments so you are fully booked PLUS manage the entire process for business owners determined to grow their business.

And remember...always with monthly reviews and our accountability to you.


We will talk with you to uncover your 3 biggest business frustrations. This means you will come face-to-face with restrictions limiting your business.

Maybe your team makes mistakes limiting repeat business.

OR working evenings and weekends (just to keep everything pumping) has worn you down.

OR holidays are elusive, special time with your partner is too rare or the kids feel like they never see you.

Because you have taught yourself so many business tasks and processes, but always feel strained trying to make it all happen. Like pushing a boulder up the hill but never reaching the top!

It doesn't need to be like this.


When you become a client of Book Them Now, you can contact us by email or SMS message at any time.

We will be here to support you every step of the way.

Because it's not merely about a new customer 'sign-up' for us.

It's about helping you to eliminate your stress, get your life back and pay yourself what you really deserve.


I know you're sceptical! I often am when it comes to an online service. It's true...there are so many stories about big payments but no difference to your business.

Right now click on the 'BOOK A CALL' button below and talk with me. The only way you will uncover it's easy to become fully booked is to do the FREE DEMO with us.

And to prove it's legitimate, on our call, you can ask every question you want. I can't emphasise enough, there's no high-pressure selling or some slick way to upsell you.

You will leave the call with lots of suggestions and insights about your business, whether you join us or not.

So take the plunge and BOOK A CALL now. Looking forward to helping you.

© Book Them Now is owned and operated by Leadership Services Pty Ltd (operating from Australia)

2023 All Rights Reserved